Creating a ‘Safe House’

We have been learning about what happens inside our brains when we feel both safe and unsafe.

It’s incredible!

We learned that:

  • a young person’s brain will produce about 250,000 neurons per minute, however an older person’s brain only produces about 800 per day!
  • brain cells need to connect to each other and they do that by feeling safe, but when they feel unsafe they can disconnect from each other.

Action for Happiness Australia

Our generosity is hard-wired to the reward mechanisms in our brains. When we give our time, energy and kindness to others it not only helps them, it’s also great for our wellbeing too.

When we start to help each other out, when we start to make others feel safe, then we help to connect their brain cells once again… and we also connect our own brain cells at the same time too! SO COOL!

Make a comment about your safety commitment to the other people in the school. Think about the actions you could take to help make those people around you, in your class, year level and school, to feel safer and write them down. It could be a few lines or many lines.

You could start with something simple: “I am going to help the people in my school feel safe by…” and add more ideas to that. Remember, it is SO important to make others feel safe, so that their brains can learn and grow… and it’s easier if we all do it together!

15 thoughts on “Creating a ‘Safe House’

  1. I think that we can be nice to everyone who we know and don’t. If we don’t they can feel unsafe or unwanted. We want all to feel safe at school and home if we see them or we are unkind. Never talk in a bad way to others because if you were them would you want to be called names I wouldn’t and I would feel unsafe. So always treat others how you want to be treated so it is fair.

  2. I am going to help people feel safe by including them even if there isn’t supposed to be another player, we can always figure something out and help people not to doubt in themselves. (E.g no negativity about them selves)

  3. I’m going to make sure every is including in everything and stand up for anyone if they are getting bullied or feel hurt inside. I will also make sure the 4DS safe house stays connected with all those strong brain cells.
    Isola 4DS

  4. I am going to make people feel safe by being nice to them and helping them if people are being mean and nasty to them.

  5. I am going to make people feel safe by standing up to bullies and welcoming them if there new and lastly help them with work you are alowed to help them with not independent work though.

  6. Im going to make people feel safe by standing up to whoever is bullying them even if they are bigger than me and are very mean to me. I think that will help a lot.

  7. I’m going to help someone if they are being bullied. I tell them to remember that they are perfect as the are. I will also tell them to not believe what a bully said.

  8. I will help not just my friends but also strangers so that the entire world is everyone’s safe house. I will do this by trying to include everyone, help them whenever they are injured, physically or mentally. I will do this because I know that cruelty or negativity not being allowed should be an impenetrable rule.

  9. We will make sure everyone is safe, and that no-one Is left out. We should help everyone in need of support. Treat others how you would like to be treated.

  10. I am going to help people feel safe by standing up for them when they get bullied or someone was not being nice to them like not letting them play I will ask if they want to join the game I am playing or even just hanging out with me.

  11. I am going to help the people in my school feel safe by letting everyone join in with our games at recess and lunch. I will also comfort people when they get sad or angry. Overall I will be kind to everyone I come across.

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